голосов: 92
Оригинал интервью на английском, забыл сразу прикрепить:
— Do you speed up your POV videos?
— No I don t speed up any videos… That s hilarious people think that.
— How do you ride so fast?
— Riding fast in a 30s video is different than riding fast for 3 min.
— Please, tell in more detail about your physical excercises. How often do you work out? What excercises do you do?
— I ride everyday. Do push ups, abs..
— We know that you have participated in world cup races in Windham and Moint Saint Anne. What has gone wrong? Why haven't we seen you in the race?
— I crashed at Mt Ste Anne, and had a terrible run at Wyndham. Racing is such a mental game, and my mental was not good. I put too much pressure on myself.
— How do you fight the fear before jumping on really big dirt/drops?
— I'm scared often, but I do something only if I am 100%sure I can do it.
— Remi, in your video I noticed that you almost always use only the rear brake. Tell us why do you do that?
— I use the front brake more than the rear brake.
— How do you set up your suspension?
— My suspension are set up pretty stiff, with a lot of compression.
— How many frames have you broken this season?
— I've never broken a Commencal frame.
— What is the most difficult dh track you have ever ridden?
— Most difficult track are the secret trail in Whistler I rode.
— Do you have regular job? Do you still enjoy riding as you used to in the first years or were the fisrt years the most awesome?
— Riding is now a full time job, but I still love it as much as when I started.
— Does moto riding help at mtb?
— I don't think moto really helps. It is very different. It helps if you started moto before bike.
— What does your family think about mtb? Has it changed from first days of riding till these days?
— Only my dad likes mountain biking and road bike. Now he thinks it is a real sport, very physical.
— How do you motivate yourself before races? Music, bath or maybe something special?
— I don't do anything particular before racing.
— Do you speed up your POV videos?
— No I don t speed up any videos… That s hilarious people think that.
— How do you ride so fast?
— Riding fast in a 30s video is different than riding fast for 3 min.
— Please, tell in more detail about your physical excercises. How often do you work out? What excercises do you do?
— I ride everyday. Do push ups, abs..
— We know that you have participated in world cup races in Windham and Moint Saint Anne. What has gone wrong? Why haven't we seen you in the race?
— I crashed at Mt Ste Anne, and had a terrible run at Wyndham. Racing is such a mental game, and my mental was not good. I put too much pressure on myself.
— How do you fight the fear before jumping on really big dirt/drops?
— I'm scared often, but I do something only if I am 100%sure I can do it.
— Remi, in your video I noticed that you almost always use only the rear brake. Tell us why do you do that?
— I use the front brake more than the rear brake.
— How do you set up your suspension?
— My suspension are set up pretty stiff, with a lot of compression.
— How many frames have you broken this season?
— I've never broken a Commencal frame.
— What is the most difficult dh track you have ever ridden?
— Most difficult track are the secret trail in Whistler I rode.
— Do you have regular job? Do you still enjoy riding as you used to in the first years or were the fisrt years the most awesome?
— Riding is now a full time job, but I still love it as much as when I started.
— Does moto riding help at mtb?
— I don't think moto really helps. It is very different. It helps if you started moto before bike.
— What does your family think about mtb? Has it changed from first days of riding till these days?
— Only my dad likes mountain biking and road bike. Now he thinks it is a real sport, very physical.
— How do you motivate yourself before races? Music, bath or maybe something special?
— I don't do anything particular before racing.
У него еще мета же, ам в4. И хт наверняка есть.
Пойду ка расчехлю страву и там погоняюсь, мне так нравится ездить, хехехе.
*злобный смех велосипедиста-мудака*
*злобный смех велосипедиста-мудака*
При клике на «больше фотографий» в вк — ошибка доступа =\
Ее бы в любом случае дачники или гопники убили через неделю, место там весьма проходное. А так — весьма эффектное завершение серии :)
Хотя я бы тоже разгонку оставил.
Хотя я бы тоже разгонку оставил.
Машины тоже дорожают на глазах, кхэм.
Эндуро только с-воркс, п слоуп нету, фреймсетов тоже не узрел.
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