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Flappy Bird is a mobile game produced by Dong Nguyen in Vietnam that came out in 2013. It evolved into very famous very quickly because it was fun to play and had simple rules, but it also caused a lot of debate and attention because it was hard and stressful.

In Flappy Bird, players take control of a small bird and guide it through a maze of pipes with holes in them. The goal is to get through the gaps without hitting the pipes or the ground, which takes thoughtful preparation and timing. Every time you make it through a gap, you get a point. The goal is to get the best score possible.

The fact that Flappy Bird is very hard to play is one of its main features. The game is typically hard, and players often have a hard time keeping the bird in the air and dodging the obstacles. Because of this, a lot of individuals became hooked on the game and spent hours trying to beat their own or other people's high scores. They then posted about their exploits on social media.

Flappy Bird additionally received a lot of attention for having simple images with pixel art and animations that made it feel old and retro. Dong Nguyen, who made the game, finally took Flappy Bird off of app stores in 2014, saying that it was too addicting and had an adverse impact on his life. But the game's legacy and fame lived on, and many copies and spin-offs have been produced by other developers.

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